Breast cancer- causes of breast cancer
Breast cancer- causes of breast cancer
Breast cancer, causes of breast cancer, |
- New research shows that in the age group above 50 years there is a high incidence , on the other hand , in the age group below 25 years the incidence is very low. It is very important to say that this disease is very aggressive in patient 25-50 years old. - Menstrual cycle is other factors that should be considered common in the ladies who have a longer life menstruation, ie the onset of menarche is earlier and cessation of menstruation is late - Women who smoke and drink alcohol, the risk of developing breast increase . Cancer - . Breast cancer is more common in spinsters and married woman who was not born , given to children, or if the birth will have developed not breast fed their offspring - .
The women who had a breast cancer have on one side a greater risk for developing cancer on the opposite side , and if there is history of breast cancer in the family (mother, sisters and daughters ) , there are major risks - .
Breast cancer, causes of breast cancer, |
Breast cancer is obesity and higher intake of saturated fat - associated breast cancer is also associated with the continuous or sequential use of combined estrogen plus progestin hormone therapy (CHT ) linked - the women were using oral antidiabetic contraceptives for more than ten years are more prone to development of these disease.On the other hand , women doing 4-5 hours of exercises per week reduce their risk of developing breast cancer.In short , these facts derive from the statistical analysis , they should not be considered as a causative or predisposing factors.
Breast cancer- causes of breast cancer
Reviewed by can
September 20, 2013
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