What is agoraphobia:agoraphobia definition/agoraphobia symptoms.

agoraphobia definition, agoraphobia symptoms

What is agoraphobia

Whether on the bus, at the supermarket checkout or at the theater:
People with agoraphobia are afraid of situations from which they can not easily escape under the guise of emergency. They are afraid to get panic , lose control or get no help. Individuals treated in time , but has a good chance to get to grips with agoraphobia !

Some people with agoraphobia are so restricted by the condition that they do not leave their homes because they only feel safe there. They avoid all situations that appear threatening to them or can they overcome only if accompanied by or under great fear - the fear that further strengthened. This avoidance behavior is typical of an anxiety disorder such as agoraphobia.

In most cases, agoraphobia makes first between the 20th and 30 Year of life , particularly in women. The person concerned is generally aware that their fear is excessive and they are ashamed of their behavior. They avoid situations which is different from person to person: While some people have problems with long journeys , others get in department stores fear - and others do not dare to even put one foot in front of the door. Stakeholders have raised concerns as to faint , going crazy or having a heart attack . During an anxiety attack people suffer with agoraphobia from symptoms such as sweating , tremors , tachycardia or palpitations - up to panic.
To the diagnosis of agoraphobia is asked often takes a long time . Untreated, the disease is often chronic: avoid Sufferers gradually more and more anxiety -causing situations and are increasingly losing their quality of life.
 A behavioral therapy can help many people with agoraphobia. The victims learn gradually confront their fears , to feel that they are unfounded . Also using drugs or psychodynamic approaches can treat agoraphobia.

Agoraphobia : Definition

Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder . As with other phobias (eg, dental phobia, fear of flying ) people suffer with agoraphobia to unreasonable fears that occur in specific , objectively dangerous situations or actually dangerous places.
Agoraphobic fear situations or places where they supposedly have no escape or where they fear to get no help in an emergency. Such situations may for example the stay in public places, be in crowds or public transport , but also all other places outside the home can make anxiety. Sufferers fear , panic to get to embarrass or otherwise losing control . So some have anxiety about that they might be dizzy and that they then can not escape the situation or that no one can help them . Other fears may be to suffer a heart attack or get diarrhea.

Agoraphobia is also known as agoraphobia . The word comes from the Greek agora , meaning marketplace . Many people know from claustrophobia , the fear of closed , confined spaces such as in the elevator. This type of phobia is however known as claustrophobia , while the claustrophobic fear of wide spaces is meant. However, agoraphobia is not the same as agoraphobia : agoraphobic have not only afraid of wide spaces , but also from other situations and places outside their usual environment.

Agoraphobia often occurs together with panic disorder . Many agoraphobics suffer from sudden panic attacks, which can be associated with symptoms such as nausea , palpitations, feelings of helplessness and fear of death .
agoraphobia definition, agoraphobia symptoms

Agoraphobia : Symptoms

Persons with agoraphobia show specific symptoms. They are afraid of situations or places in / on which would be available in an emergency no help in their opinion, or from which it can not escape so quickly. The symptoms especially if the person has to leave their familiar environment like for example one's own home . In particular, for example, have agoraphobic fear :
• staying in public places
• staying in large, wide open spaces
• stay in the public transportation such as plane, bus or train
• staying in small rooms ( elevators) , standing in line at the supermarket checkout
• crowds, e.g. in the department store
• Travel or not to be away from home .
Sufferers believe in the situation of losing control and not being able to escape. You feel shipped . To fear , for example :
• to faint
• a panic attack to get
• to get heart problems
• Bladder and bowel movement can not control
• To be mad or embarrassed to behave
A typical symptom of an anxiety disorder such as agoraphobia is dasVermeidungsverhalten : Fearing the person avoids appearing threatening places and situations , which in turn increases anxiety even further. Phobics develop anticipatory anxiety . Thus, the phobia can become more widespread and affect the quality of life. An agoraphobic usually knows that his fear is often inadequate and ashamed for his excessive behavior and the associated symptoms. Some patients may fear -causing situations consult accompanied by a trusted person , but can not make it alone to go there .

During anxiety sufferers feel symptoms such as palpitations , tachycardia sweating or trembling. The fear may be increased up to panic and be so strong that the agoraphobic avoids the situation.

Agoraphobia : History

If an agoraphobia untreated, it often takes a chronic course . Sufferers avoid more and more situations and places. By the fear of fear ( anticipatory anxiety ) , the person concerned always pull back more . As a result they are increasingly restricted and lose quality of life. So they have to go as problems , to work or to visit friends . If it is not possible to go to work, the disease can also lead to social decline.
Without treatment , an agoraphobia decades continue and intensify more and more. The fear can be so strong that a agoraphobic or just is not accompanied able to leave home . Thus, it may happen that he continues isolated from the outside world. Disorders such as depression, panic attacks , but also can be the result. In addition, there is a risk that those affected try to numb their anxiety long term by sedatives or alcohol, which can lead to dependence.

What is agoraphobia:agoraphobia definition/agoraphobia symptoms. What is agoraphobia:agoraphobia definition/agoraphobia symptoms. Reviewed by can on October 06, 2013 Rating: 5

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